Interest Groups |
Dine Out
On the 1st Wednesday of the month (except December) at 12 noon. A convenor is chosen from the previous Dine Out. The convenor selects the venue and prepares a notice and sends information to the Newsletter Editor, Marcel Djivre .
Men’s & Women’s Coffee Groups
Meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month ( except if the Monday falls on a Statutory Holiday) at 10:00 a.m. at Westmount Shopping Centre (Food Court) Wonderland Road S. at Viscount Rd., London. Usually last for about 0ne (1) hour.
Free underground parking with stairs/elevators near east & west ends of parking garage.
Contacts: Shirley Harris or Larry Morrison
Investment Group
The Investment Group normally meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am in a meeting room at the River Bend Golf Community, located at 1200 Sandy Somerville Drive in London. Each meeting includes discussion of business news and trends, investment strategies and investment instruments such as bonds, equities and exchange traded funds. At each meeting, members review the performance of the group’s virtual investment portfolio and make decisions about purchases and sales of holdings within the portfolio. Each member is responsible for following one or several equities within this portfolio and we also monitor a ‘watch list’ of stocks that may be promising investments to add to our portfolio. The meetings finish around noon and those who are able and interested stay for lunch at River Bend. Newcomers are welcome
Please note that themeeting day may changefrom time to time so please touch base with the Contact person before attending your first meeting.
Contact Don Jamieson
Euchre Group #1
Meet on the 4th Thursday of each month (except December) at 1 :30 p. m in a member’s home.
Contact: Gail Clarke
Book Club #1
Meets on the 1st Monday of each month (except December, July & August) at 2 pm in a member’s home. Further exception is September when the meeting will occur the 2nd Monday due to Labour Day holiday. Usually about 2 1/2 hours including social & refreshments.
Contacts: Susan Wolnik or Liz Gordon
Book Club #2
Meets on the 2nd Friday each month except December at 1:00 at a member's home. Hostess selects the book and leads the discussion.
Contact: Linda Howe
Dine In
Meets 0n the third Tuesday of the month except December, July and August at 12:00 p.m. in a member's home.
Contact: Donna Jean Innes
Walking Group
Meets at 9:30 every Wednesday except the 3rd Wednesday of the month (General meeting day) at Guy Lombardo Park for a walk of approximately 1 hour.
Contact: Geesje Fulton
Euchre Group #2
Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at a member's home at 1:30 p.m.
Contact Ronalee Porter
Out of Towners
This group meets as required to plan day long events out of town.
Contact: Janice Rudd
Meets at 1:30 p.m. the 1st Tuesday of the month in a member's home.
Contact: Gail Clarke
Meets at 1:30 p.m. the 1st Friday of the month in a member's home.
Contact: Linda Howe