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April Newsletter

March 25, 2023 4:07 PM | Brigitte Davidson (Administrator)

President's Message: 

Spring finally! Today as I write this the sun is shining, the skies are blue and I think I can see the grass greening up. Isn’t spring great? 

We had a wonderful speaker at the general meeting last week. Thank you to Miranda Bothwell of London Middlesex EMS. 

 A gentle reminder to members: Some members have scent sensitivities that can cause fairly severe health issues from allergies and asthma to migraines. We ask that you please minimize your use of cologne/perfume, scented sprays and similar body products when attending club activities. Thank you for your help with this.    

At the Management Committee we discussed our club’s need to grow our membership.  We are making our April 19th and our May 17th general meetings “Be a Friend, Bring a Friend” meetings. Please invite a friend to join you at the meeting and to learn about the London South Probus Club; how we do things together within the Probus goal of ‘providing Fellowship, Friendship, and Fun for men and women in their retirement and semi-retirement years’. Our speaker for the April’s General meeting is Bill Shepard of the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association. Please invite a friend to join you at the meeting. 

Connie Mabb and Louise Straub are joining Bill and Shirley Harris, Karen Banks, Marian McIndoe and me on the Nominations Committee. Together, we will be recruiting a slate of officers for the club’s 2023/24 operating year. All Management Committee positions are available. We have the following vacancies on the 2023-2024 Management Committee roster to fill: President, Vice President, and Events Coordinator.  Responsibilities of each of the Management Committee Members can be found on the Club website. Sharing a position between 2 people has been very effective in our club. Each member of our Management Committee believes in the value of Probus. We need new people to step forward for our club to continue. We are asking every club member to consider serving in this way. Speak to any of the current members of the Management Committee or the Nominations Committee if you are interested in any of the positions.   

And speaking of next year, we will be accepting e-transfers for membership renewals for the coming membership year. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to membership renewal time. 

That’s all from me today – Something that I read in Today’s Globe and Mail First Person – “At this time of year, less is definitely more; less black, less material, less cumbersome footwear. For the first time in months, our clothing no longer weighs more than we do” . Hope you spend some time outside soon, breathing in SPRING. 

General Meeting & Speaker, March 15, 2023

Miranda Bothwell is the Public Access Defibrillator/ Public Education Coordinator for Middlesex- London Paramedic Service (MLPS).  As the PAD coordinator, Miranda oversees the use and maintenance of over 480 public defibrillators throughout Middlesex- London, promotes/ facilitates emergency awareness and preparedness programming throughout the community, and acts as the Media officer for MLPS.

For our April 19th meeting, Bill Shepard will be our speaker, and he will be speaking on the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association.

Pat Donnelly, Manager of Watershed and Climate Change for the City of London. Pat brought 72 hour emergency kits for a draw held  at the February and March meetings.   These kits were handed out to the lucky winners and are worth over $90.00 each.



Darlene, Gail, Bob, Mark, Carol, Leonard, June, and Deana.

Social Events

Sign-up for our Social Events online:  

Click on one of the event links below, then hit the register button to sign up for that event and bring your cheque to the meeting! If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Nancy Fazackerley.

March 30:  Heemans Nursery Tour at 10:00 a.m.  Cost is $10.00

April 13: Villages of Glendale Crossing Tour at 1:00  p.m. This event is free.

May 2:  Niagara Falls Hydro Tour 

There are still seats available on the bus to Niagara Falls on May 2. We need at least 20 to make this event happen, so as of March 30th you are free to invite your friends to join us. The cost is $117 which includes lunch. The bus will depart Riverside United Church at 8:10 a.m. sharp so don’t be late. You can sign up at the April meeting or online.  A seat is not guaranteed until payment is received.

 We are still finalizing details for the Spring luncheon so keep an eye on the website for more information. We will post details there as soon as they are available.

June 13. Walters Music Theatre Trip. Cost is $70. All tickets sold. Wait list available.  Car pooling will be organized closer to the event . 

Please pay for all events ahead of time, by cheque made payable to Probus Club of South London and note on the cheque which event it is for. This will secure you a place at the event. .


Lunch after the General Meeting was at the Sweet Onion Bistro in Byron.                                                 

Dine Out:

Dine out for April will be on Wednesday, April 5 at 12 noon, at the Red Lobster on Wellington Road.  Please call or email Mark or Nancy by Friday, March 31.

See the event on our calendar.

Coffee Mornings:

Men's Coffee:

2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. except 4th Monday in December.  We meet in Westmount Mall across from Tim Horton's.

Women's Coffee:

2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m., except 4th Monday in December.  See the photos from our  coffee meet ups, in the photo section at the end of the newsletter! Convenor: Shirley Harris.   We meet in Westmount Mall across from Tim Horton's.

Women's  Coffee: Click here to see more coffee photos.

Men's Coffee: Click here to see more coffee photos.

Investment Club:

Contact Don Jamieson.  Meetings held at Riverbend, 2nd Wednesday of the month.


4th Thursday of the month (except December) at 1 pm in a member’s home. 8 players maximum plus spares. Usually over in about 3 hours.  If interested in being a spare, call Convenor: Gail Clarke.


If you know someone who is feeling under the weather or needs cheering up,  please contact Connnie Mabb.

Book Club:

Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. except December, July & August in a member’s home. Our book club membership is now at capacity. If interested in joining, please call Susan Wolnik or Liz Gordon,  to be added to the waiting list. If the waiting list grows to 4-5 members, we will help prospective members form a second book club. 

Photo  Corner

Who Am I? Speakers - Our Who Am I - in March was Larry, thank you Larry.

As the convenors of an event or group please to submit pictures to me to include in the newsletter,  as well as a brief description of what has been discussed ie. book club - the book and author and how it was received; dine out - where it was, how many attended and brief description of the food; investment club - some snip of interest etc.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter to ensure our newsletter is more interesting to our members.

New Members:

Welcome to our newest members, Tom, Kathy and Carol

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Probus Club of South London

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