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October Newsletter 2023

September 28, 2023 4:23 PM | Brigitte Davidson (Administrator)

Co-Presidents' Message: 

Well, we are off to a good start.  As your new Co-Presidents, we are so fortunate to have on the Executive Committee a group of experienced members and enthusiastic new members to help us. At the September 20th meeting we had a very entertaining “Who Am I” from Marg Dean.  Our guest speaker Adele Alfano and her friend Gerda were very good ambassadors for Autism Dogs.  It was such an interesting topic.  We are thankful to Karen Banks and Marian McIndoe for the work they have put into obtaining previous and upcoming speakers for our Probus Club.  For many of us the summer was filled with vacation trips.  Fall has arrived and we are now settling into pursuits closer to home and that includes the many events organized by your Probus Club.  We hope to see you there.  You will notice at the Registration Table a “Purple Suggestion Box” together with Paper and Pencils.  If you have any suggestions or comments for your Probus Club you are invited to put them in the box.  It would be most helpful if you please sign your name on the suggestion so we can follow up. Please note, NO OUTSIDE FOOD shall be brought into the meetings without prior approval of the President. 

Jim and Sandra Gilmour


Share the Wealth:           

Please buy your tickets when you arrive for the meeting as the winner is announced at coffee break.  The tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00.  At the September meeting, the winner received $52.00.



Sandra L;  Nancy G;  Anne S;  Bette;  David C.

Sign-up for our Social Events online:  

Click on one of the event links below, then hit the register button to sign up for that event and bring your cheque to the meeting! If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Marg D.

  • Oct 4 is the Dining Out at Beertown Public House on Fanshawe Park Rd just east of Maisonville Mall. Contact Nancy Holmes if you wish to attend.
  • Oct 24 is our trip to Arrowwood Farm in Melbourne. Registration Cut-off is Friday, October 20th.  There will be a tour of the blueberry farm followed by lunch and a chance to shop at the gift shop. Bear Creek Gas on the reserve is nearby for those who want to purchase gas at bargain prices. This is a car pool event so please indicate if you wish to drive or be a passenger. Passengers are encouraged to contribute to gas costs. Cost is $29 and there are already a number signed up.
  • On Nov 7 we will visit the London Airport to learn what is new there and gain some tips on how to make your flight less stressful. This is followed by lunch at the Katana Kafe and a tour of Diamond Aircraft. The only cost is your lunch.
  • Dec 13 is our Christmas lunch at Highland Golf Club. Stay tuned for more details to come.
  • We have also created sign up sheets for many more interest groups. Members are encouraged to review these and, if interested, sign up. When there are sufficient numbers the groups will meet and each can determine their own format, frequency, etc. Members are also encouraged to make suggestions of other groups that may be of interest.
  • Watch the website for more information on social events.

Dine Out:

Dine out for October will be on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at No

on (12 pm) Venue Name: Beertown Public House,. Address: 109 Fanshawe Park Rd E, London (Masonville Square, east of Masonville Place Mall)

Website:, Telephone: 519 679 5424

Register by: Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Convenor: Nancy H.

  See the event on our calendar. 

Coffee Mornings:

Men's Coffee:

2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. except 4th Monday in December.  We meet in Westmount Mall across from Tim Horton's.

Women's Coffee:

2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m., except 4th Monday in December.  See the photos from our  coffee meet ups, in the photo section at the end of the newsletter! Convenor: Shirley .   We meet in Westmount Mall across from Tim Horton's.

Women's  Coffee: Click here to see more coffee photos.

Men's Coffee: Click here to see more coffee photos.

Investment Club:

Contact Don.  Meetings held at Riverbend, 2nd Wednesday of the month.


4th Thursday of the month (except December) at 1 pm in a member’s home. 8 players maximum plus spares. Usually over in about 3 hours.  If interested in being a spare, call Convenor: Gail.


If you know someone who is feeling under the weather or needs cheering up,  please contact Marg C.

Book Club:

Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. except December, July & August in a member’s home. Our book club membership is now at capacity. If interested in joining, please call Susan or Liz,  to be added to the waiting list. If the waiting list grows to 4-5 members, we will help prospective members form a second book club. 

Speaker  -

Speaker for September was Adele Alfonso, speaking about  the program for Autism Dogs, along with Belle, a dog in training for the autism program and her handler Gerda. 

Slice of Life Speaker-

Marg Dean was our slice of life speaker at the September meeting.  Marg spoke about slight of hand Magic and entertained us with a couple of magic tricks.  View Marg and Dicky's performance on YouTube.

(367) Dicky Dean & Marg Dean magic shows from national TV appearances - YouTube

As the convenors of an event or group please  submit pictures to me to include in the newsletter,  as well as a brief description of what has been discussed ie. book club - the book and author and how it was received; dine out - where it was, how many attended and brief description of the food; investment club - some snip of interest etc.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter to ensure our newsletter is more interesting to our members.


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Probus Club of South London

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