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October 2024 Newsletter

October 06, 2024 5:58 PM | Brigitte Davidson (Administrator)

President's Message:

Tribe: A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect.

“Finding your tribe” has become a common expression. But what does it mean?

It’s human nature to search for belonging. We tend to gravitate towards those who we believe share common interests.

We all want to experience a sense of community, safety and vulnerability. A group of like-minded people, speaking the same language and supporting each other as a collective, is to be treasured. Being able to share ideas, interests and working in harmony only increases that sense of community. 

Looking for your tribe means looking for people who share commonalities or possess the traits we aspire to adapt. Our tribe is important because it reflects our values while simultaneously satisfying our need for companionship.

October is Probus Month, when our “tribe” celebrates 37 years in Canada, joining almost 35,000 members worldwide in more than 20 countries. During this autumn season, as the leaves are burnished and the weather cools, we give thanks for all of our opportunities to gather with family and our good friends.

I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you all again at our next meeting on October 16th.

Nancy Holmes

Handover of the Gavel: Thank you to our Co-Chairs for their service

Share the  Wealth:           

Please buy your tickets when you arrive for the meeting as the winner is announced at coffee break.  The tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00.  Our September winner won $84.00.


Congratulations and a heartfelt birthday wish to all our October members:

Sandra L.,;  Nancy G.,;  Anne S.,;  Bette K.,  David C.,

 Sign up for our Social Events in person:  

Register for the events  in our Calendar in person at a meeting, and bring your cheque to the meeting to secure your spot! If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Marg D. or click on the underlined name in the newsletter to gain access to the person's phone # and email.

Our outing on June 10th at Walter's Theatre and Dickens Pub was a huge success.  The hall was rocking and the audience was clapping and grooving!!



1.    Please note that there no longer is online registration on the website. Please register at the general meeting.

2.    E-TRANSFER now is accepted as well as cheques.

3.    The E-TRANSFER email address is Please note that there is no “r” at the end of “treasure”. Also, indicate the event in the memo section of the email transfer.

4.    CHEQUES are payable to Probus Club of South London.

5.    The following events are listed on the website including the contact person.

                           UPCOMING EVENTS THAT YOU WILL ENJOY


Discover the history of the Mocha Shrine Temple as well as the Shriners’ benevolent and charitable projects in a free 45 minute tour, 468 Colborne Street Wednesday November 27th at 11:00 am. followed by lunch on the premises at your own cost. The deadline for registration is November 22nd.


Let’s celebrate the season at the beautiful Highland Golf Club Wednesday December 11th. Cash bar at 11:30 am. followed by dinner at 12:00 featuring cranberry brie stuffed chicken with brown sage sauce. The cost of $40.00 includes entrée, dessert, coffee/tea, gratuity, taxes, door prizes and entertainment! Deadline for registration and payment is December 9th. CANCELLATION POLICY:  NO REFUNDS   Should you need to cancel, please contact Marg D. Assistance may be available to help you sell or give away your ticket.


Back by popular demand for a 3rd consecutive year! Probus has purchased 20 tickets for members only at a cost of $72.00 featuring a “Tribute to Neil Diamond” Saturday September 13, 2025 at 2:00 pm. Lunch in Woodstock, enroute to the performance is at your own expense. You may drive yourself or car pool with other Probus friends attending the performance. Those offering to drive are listed on the sign up sheet. Please make your own arrangements. CANCELLATION POLICIY applies to all paid events.

Lots of opportunities for “Fellowship, Friendship and Fun” are being shared by the Social Committee at our Probus meetings. We are excited to present our upcoming schedule of events for the fall as well as offer five new interest groups.

Don’t forget to bring your calendar and cheque book so that you can secure a spot!

Marg D. – Coordinator of Special Events

Interest Groups:

                 Participate - Volunteer - Have Fun!

Dine Out:                                                               

The next Dine Out is Wednesday,  October  2nd  12:30 (Note the time change) At Gnosh @West 5, 1325 Riverbend Road

Contact Susan K. by email (preferred)       By Wednesday, September 25


                                Dine In:                                                                                  

3rd Tuesday of the month 12 p.m. in member's homes.  8 maximum. 

For more information, and if interested in being a spare call convenor: Donna Jean I.

Coffee Mornings:                                               

Men's Coffee:

2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. except 4th Monday in December.  We meet in Westmount Mall across from Tim Horton's. Contact Larry M.

Women's Coffee:

2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m., except 4th Monday in December.  See the photos from our  coffee meet ups, in the photo section at the end of the newsletter! Convenor: Shirley .   We meet in Westmount Mall across from Tim Horton's.

Investment Club:                                                       

The Investment Group will be meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at  10:00 a.m.  at Riverbend.  Newcomers are welcome and are asked to contact Don to confirm the date and time.  


This group of 8 players has been flourishing since 2012. We need one new member to join us the 4th Thursday of the month at 1:30 at a member’s home. Contact Person: Gail C.

Walking Group: 


Meet every Wednesday except the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Meet  at 9:30 a.m. in the Guy Lombardo Parking Lot for a one hour walk.

Contact Person: Geesje 

Rummikub –         

Rummikub is a game that involves both luck and strategy. It is played with tiles, numbered 1 to 13 in 4 different colours, and is similar to Rummy O. Your mind is constantly working to win the game by getting rid of the tiles on your rack. It is fun and easy to learn, yet can be challenging. We can have groups of two to four per table, with a maximum of 10 players per session.

1st Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Contact Gail C.– if interested in being a spare.



Games –                                                               

1st Friday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Contact Linda H.  - still require substitutes/spares


Do you know of a South London Probus member who is having a difficult time (health issue, accident, hospitalization, loss of partner, etc.) and would benefit from receiving a card or a call from our team? If so, please let me know. I will be happy to follow up and/or get in touch with them. 

Contact Marg C.

Book Club:                                                     

Book Club meets the 1st Monday of the month at 2:00 p.m. except December, July & August (or when the 1st Monday is a holiday),in a member’s home. We are currently full.  Please call Susan or Liz,  if you wish more information.


2nd Book Club:

Book Club #2 meets every 2nd Friday of the month.  We are currently taking more members. We meet in members homes except December, July and August. Contact Linda H. for more information.


TO OBTAIN THE PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL ADDRESS OF THE CONTACT PERSON, simply click on the underlined name in your newsletter. eg. Brigitte D.

Day Trippers - Out of Towners:

We have 3 exciting events underway.  We are organizing  an event in November for Christmas at Casa Loma, lunch and time at the Distillery District.  Call Robin Hood Tours for more information and reservation.

October Speaker:                                      

IMG_6897.jpegCatherine Janssen is a retired critical care nurse, cancer survivor, certified holistic cancer coach, distinguished toastmaster, and public speaker on cancer education and awareness. Catharine speaks on 1) Immunology and Stress and 2) Your Microbiome and Healthy Food Choices, and 3) The common sense approach to healthy lifestyle changes.

Catharine was awarded the Prestigious Canada Post Tales of Triumph for 2024. 

Upcoming Speakers:

Nov. 20 – Jean Alice Rowcliffe, Nanny to the British Royal Family

We strive to make our Club the best possible for everyone.  If you have a suggestion to enhance our Club, a speaker you would like to hear on a specific subject, or a concern, please send it to our general mail box:


Probus Members have a lot of experience, knowledge, and skills. Share your talents by volunteering for a position on Management or with any of our many groups.

Meet More People - Make More Friends – Help Make Your Club the Best it Can Be!!!


New Members:

L-R: President Nancy H;  Marlene A;  Sandra B;  Louise M.

                              MEET YOUR EXECUTIVE:

Past President 2022/23 - Susan W.

Past Presidents 2023/24:   Jim & Sandra G.                           

Current President:  Nancy H.                          

Vice President:       Moira C.                 

Treasurer: Mike S.                                         

Recording Secretary: Liz  G.                     

Newsletter Editor:   Brigitte D.               

Membership Co-Ordinator: Nancy F.                                                                                      

Social Event Co-Ordinator: Marg D.     

Cheer Designate: Marg C.                      

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Probus Club of South London

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